About Me

Kentaro HINO



Year Event
1999 Born in Yokohama, Japan
2017~2021 B.S. in Science, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
2021~2023 M.S. in Science, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
2023~2026 (to be) Ph.D. in Science, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
2023~2026 JSPS Research Fellow (DC1)
2023 QunaSys Inc. (Intern), Research about quantum computing
2024 MC Digital Inc. (Intern), Data science for HR
2024 Preferred Networks, Inc. (Intern), Research about machine learning molecular potential

Research (1/2)

First-principle simulation of nuclear dynamics \[ i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left|\Psi(\mathbf{Q}, t)\right\rangle = \left[\hat{T}+V(\mathbf{Q}))\right]\left|\Psi(\mathbf{Q}, t)\right\rangle \]

Numerical exact solution is possible in only a few dimensions.

Potential landscape and finite element grid

Time evolution of wavepacket

Eigenstates of the Hamiltonian

Research (2/2)

  • How the global ab initio potential \(V(\mathbf{Q})\) is defined?
  • How the Schrödinger equation in exponential dimension space is solved?

My research: Developing theory to address these difficulties using tensor network (low-rank approximation).

Skills & Developments

Computational Chemistry

  • Electronic structure calculation (Gaussian16, ORCA, BAGEL, VASP etc.)

  • Nuclear dynamics simulation (wavepacket, nonadiabatic MD etc.)
