Year | Event |
1999 | Born in Yokohama, Japan |
2017~2021 | B.S. in Science, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University |
2021~2023 | M.S. in Science, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University |
2023~2026 (to be) | Ph.D. in Science, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University |
2023~2026 | JSPS Research Fellow (DC1) |
2023 | QunaSys Inc. (Intern), Research about quantum computing |
2024 | MC Digital Inc. (Intern), Data science for HR |
2024 | Preferred Networks, Inc. (Intern), Research about machine learning molecular potential |
First-principle simulation of nuclear dynamics \[ i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left|\Psi(\mathbf{Q}, t)\right\rangle = \left[\hat{T}+V(\mathbf{Q}))\right]\left|\Psi(\mathbf{Q}, t)\right\rangle \]
Numerical exact solution is possible in only a few dimensions.
Potential landscape and finite element grid
Time evolution of wavepacket
Eigenstates of the Hamiltonian
My research: Developing theory to address these difficulties using tensor network (low-rank approximation).
Computational Chemistry
Electronic structure calculation (Gaussian16, ORCA, BAGEL, VASP etc.)
Nuclear dynamics simulation (wavepacket, nonadiabatic MD etc.)
Python, Julia, C++, Rust
Linux HPC server (PBS, LDAP, NFS, PXE Boot, Docker, Singularity, k8s, etc)
Library developments